Self Assesment Climbing Quiz

From How to Climb 5.12, 3rd ed, by Eric Horst

"Take the Self-Assessment Test that follows. Read each question once and immediately answer it based on your recent experiences on the rock. Don't read anything into the question or try to figure out its focus or the "best" answer. When totaling your scores, you'll see that each question focuses on either mental, technical/tactical, or physical skills. A perfect score would be 25 points in all three areas of focus. Keep in mind, however, that the goal of this assessment is to identify weaknesses. It's the low-scoring questions and focus area we are most interested in, because they hold the keys to unlocking higher levels of performance."

Question Options
1. I get anxious and tight as I head into crux sequences.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
2. I miss hidden holds
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I have difficulty hanging on small, necessary-to-use holds.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I make excuses for why I might fail on a route before I even begin to climb.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
My forearms balloon and my grip begins to fail even on routes that are easy for me.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
On hard sequences, I have difficulty stepping onto critical footholds.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
My footwork deteriorates during the hardest part of a climb.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I pump out on overhanging climbs no matter how big the holds.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I train or climb (or do a combination) three days in a row.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I grab quickdraws, the rope, or other gear instead of risking a fall trying a hard move of which I am unsure
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I have difficulty reading sequences.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I experience shoulder, elbow, or finger pain when I climb.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I have more difficulty climbing when people are watchings.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
My feet unexpectedly pop off footholds.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never
I have difficulty hanging on to small sloping holds or pockets.
1 Almost Always
2 Often
3 Sometimes
4 Seldom
5 Never


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Source Code Copyright: (C) Russell Brinkmann 2015, under the creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
Instruction text and questions from Eric Horst's How to Climb 5.12, 3rd ed

Last updated: Aug 22, 2015